Our Services |
Media - Instadia Advertising and Syndication
Events & Speakers
Corporate Hospitality
Sport & Leisure Travel |
Whether you're a brand manager or CEO, individual or corporate entity, agency, or a private Trust, you are a potential client of Sporting Excellence if you are planning or seeking:
A higher brand recall and return on investment through branding in sport, especially in cricket...
A VIP hospitality and travel experience for your top clients to an international sporting event or offsite...
To invite your customers to your own hospitality box or marquee during a IPL /T20 / ODI / Test match...
An offsite, product launch or client dinner with a sports celebrity...
A mega sporting event for charity involving famous sports personalities...
A coaching clinic for children...
A hands-on company to organise and manage an overseas tour for your external or internal customers... |
Our clients are individuals (Indian citizens as well as foreign passport holders) and corporate and we have worked with some of the best known brands (Indian & multinational - including Fortune 500 companies); and our work has built loyalty and brought in repeat business. Our modus operandi is simple: once we've been assigned a job we are hands-on, our clients hands-off. We assume the role of the client and leave no stone unturned to get the maximum value for the client.